автор: Вяткина Полина Сергеевна
учитель иностранных языков
Средняя школа №14 им. В.Н. Лататуева
Методическая разработка учебного занятия по английскому языку «работа с текстом» (из опыта работы)
В рамках данного урока формируются следующие метапредметные результаты, в соответствии с ФРП по английскому языку на уровне НОО:
Познавательные УУД:
- находить закономерности и противоречия в рассматриваемых фактах, данных и наблюдениях на основе предложенного педагогическим работником алгоритма;
- находить в предложенном источнике информацию, представленную в явном виде;
- распознавать достоверную и недостоверную информацию самостоятельно или на основании предложенного педагогическим работником способа её проверки.
Коммуникативные УУД:
- воспринимать и формулировать суждения, выражать эмоции в соответствии с целями и условиями общения в знакомой среде;
- проявлять уважительное отношение к собеседнику, соблюдать правила ведения диалога и дискуссии.
Регулятивные УУД:
- оценивать свой вклад в общий результат.
Содержательный аспект урока и подобранный дидактический материал позволяет решить следующие предметные результаты:
Читать про себя тексты, содержащие незнакомые слова в зависимости от поставленных задач:
- с пониманием основного содержания;
- со зрительной опорой и без неё, с использованием языковой контекстуальной догадки;
- прогнозирование содержания текста на основе заголовка.
Тема урока: The story about Nina \ История про Нину.
Цель: формирование навыков смыслового чтения на примере предложенного текста
- развивать умение в аудировании, диалогической речи ученика при работе с текстом;
- способствовать развитию умения действовать по образцу, определять тему и главную мысль текста;
- способствовать воспитанию интереса, любознательности и развитию у учащихся мышления, умений анализировать и сравнивать;
- оценивать свою учебную деятельность.
Ход урока
- Приветствие. Основные вопросы
How are you? What day is it today? What’s the date? What’s the weather like today?
You have 2 flowers on your desks. The first is blue, the second is red. At the end of the lesson, I will explain about these flowers.
- Предтекстовый этап
I’ll give you a text. Please, don’t read the text! Read only the title. What does it mean, the title? So think what this text is about? What do you think is the purpose of our lesson? What are we going to do? (We are going to read the text, understand the meaning, do some exercises).
Nina and her grandmother
Nina is a nice little girl. She’s eight. Nina and her parents live in a big city. Sometimes Nina is sad, because she misses her grandmother, who lives in a small village far from the city.
One morning the girl opened her eyes and saw her grandmother smiling at her. Nina was so happy! She wanted to tell her granny so many things! It was Saturday so Nina didn’t go to school. She doesn’t have classes at the weekend.
In the afternoon Nina and her granny were in the city centre. They decided to go shopping. Granny bought some nice toys for Nina and then the girl helped to choose presents for granny’s friends. They found some nice books about gardening.
- Текстовый этап + послетекстовый этап
Now I give you 7 min to read this text and translate. You can use your and my dictionaries. Look, you have translation of some words before the text.
Sometimes – иногда
Far – далеко
Things – вещи
Weekend – выходные (суббота и воскресенье)
Bought – прошедшая форма от глагола buy – покупать
Then – затем
Found – прошедшая форма от глагола find – находить
Gardening – садоводство
That’s all about reading. Stop, please. Now, you have a task.
At first, look at the blackboard. You can see question words. Let’s translate them.
(who, why, where, what, when, how)
Задание 1. Right now I’ll ask you some questions according to this text, you should answer. You can use the text to find the answer. These words will be in my questions, be attentive.
- Who is Nina?
- How old is she?
- Where does Nina live?
- How does Nina feel sometimes?
- Who did Nina see when she woke up on Sunday?
- When doesn’t Nina go to school?
- Where did Nina and her granny go shopping?
- What presents did they buy for granny’s friends?
Задание 2. I’ll give you 2 papers. The first paper is T. The second is F. What does it mean? Yeah. It’s true and false. How we can translate? Ok, I will tell some sentences (предл), you should show me a paper with T, if you are agree with this sentence, or F, if you don’t agree.
- Nina is ten years old. (F)
- Nina lives with her mother (F)
- Her grandmother lives in a big city (F)
- In the morning a grandmother is smiling at the girl. (T)
- On Sunday Nina went to the city centre. (F)
- Nina doesn’t have classes at the weekend (T)
Задание 3. Right now we have a task. You should find in the text the synonyms of these words, that you have. I’ll give you 5 min.
Small (little)
Town (city)
Saturday and Sunday (weekend)
Lessons (classes)
Shop (city centre)
A lot of (many)
Задание 4. You should Put the sentences into correct order.
- Nina and her granny decided to go shopping
- It was Saturday.
- Nina is a nice girl.
- She lives in a city.
- She saw her granny
- They bought some books.
Прием «Букет настроения»: «If you liked the lesson and you learned something new, then fix your flower to the vase, the blue one – if you didn’t like the lesson, the red one – if you liked the lesson»
Раздаточный материал
Nina and her grandmother
Sometimes – иногда
Far – далеко
Things – вещи
Weekend – выходные (суббота и воскресенье)
Bought – прошедшая форма от глагола buy – покупать
Then – затем
Found – прошедшая форма от глагола find – находить
Gardening – садоводство
Nina is a nice little girl. She’s eight. Nina and her parents live in a big city. Sometimes Nina is sad, because she misses her grandmother, who lives in a small village far from the city.
One morning the girl opened her eyes and saw her grandmother smiling at her. Nina was so happy! She wanted to tell her granny so many things! It was Saturday so Nina didn’t go to school. She doesn’t have classes at the weekend.
In the afternoon Nina and her granny were in the city centre. They decided to go shopping. Granny bought some nice toys for Nina and then the girl helped to choose presents for granny’s friends. They found some nice books about gardening.
- Nina is ten years old.
- Nina lives with her mother
- Her grandmother lives in a big city
- In the morning a grandmother is smiling at the girl.
- On Sunday Nina went to the city centre.
- Nina doesn’t have classes at the weekend
Saturday and Sunday
A lot of
- Nina and her granny decided to go shopping
- It was Saturday.
- Nina is a nice girl.
- She lives in a city.
- She saw her granny
- They bought some books.