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Наименование конкурсной работы: Внеурочное театрализованное занятие по английскому языку «ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA»
Итоговая оценка: 1 место,  94 баллов(-а)
Диплом Международного конкурса, бланк: ЕМ №166067

Внеурочное  театрализованное занятие по английскому языку 


9-10 класс

Цель: знакомство с историей, культурой и традициями коренных жителей Северной Америки.



активизировать употребление ранее изученной лексики по теме в речи учащихся;


– способствовать развитию воображения, языковой догадки, внимания;


– воспитывать уважения к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка;

Типу урока: урок обобщения.

Формы обучения: фронтальная, инсценировка

Средства обучения: компьютер (презентация по теме, аудиоматериал), проектор, костюмы

Ход занятия:

Учитель:Dear friends,

Let`s take an exciting journey through the English language with Hiawatha, a Native American, an Ojibwa warrior. Based on “The Song of Hiawatha“ – 1855 poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow featuring Native American characters.

Рассказчик-Индеец: It was a long time ago…For centuries, Indian tribes have been fighting with each other. Only one thing could stop the ancient tribal war-The Great Peace Pipe. The Great Peace Pipe was lit only when the trouble came. And the time came.The misfortune will come when the comet comes. One day a comet appeared… Crops  died, hunters came empty-handed. 

In my dream I saw the one who will save us- this is Hiawatha. 

(выходит Индеец Гайавата)

Рассказчик-Индеец: You must go through the Great lake to the White mountain and meet the Great Mokwa bear, only he will help us. 

This map will help you. You will see many interesting things, animals, people of our great land.

Гайавата: The name „Indians” has been given by Christopher Columbus, 

  Who thought, that  floated to India. In different countries are also used another name of Indians, for example in Canada they are called   aborigines, in the USA – Native Americans, First Americans. Among the most common North American languages are Navajo (spoken by about 180 thousand Indians), Cree (about 117 thousand) and Ojibwa (about 100 thousand). Most Native American languages now use the Latin alphabet, although the Cherokee use the original syllabic script developed in the early 19th century. Most Native American languages may disappear, because they are spoken by less than 30% of ethnic Indians.

(Показывает с помощью пальцев  рук слова, дети повторяют и отгадывают слова)

(выходит ученик в костюме Осетра)

Осетр: The Sioux- are seven related tribes, hunted bison, and waged wars with their neighbors. On the Great Plains, they were the most powerful, as well as the most “organized”: every summer, the Sioux tribes gathered together at the Council of Seven Bonfires to renew family ties, discuss common problems, and choose four main leaders. 

The Iroquois-Fearless and warlike Indians near the U.S.-Canada border. The tribes developed agriculture: сorn, legumes and pumpkin. They built a “long house” , made of elm bark, it was occupied by one clan, headed by an elder one. 

The CherokeeThey were the first who made peace with the US government, began to adopt elements of European culture (leader – Seikwoya, taking the idea from the “civilizers”, 

script, and already 90% of his tribesmen could read and write). Moreover, they founded more than 30 schools in their territories, published a newspaper and even drafted their constitution! 

The Mohicans -were the first who cooperated with newcomers from overseas: they concluded trade agreements with them, supplied furs and products of their own agriculture, adopted Christianity at the beginning of the XVIII century. 

The Apaches- were famous for their talent for “war”: they could attack unexpectedly and disappear in minutes. There were many military leaders among them who terrified the enemy. The most famous was Geronimo, who continued war with the US Army 25 YEARS after the Indians of the Great Plains were driven into reservations    (until 1886). 

(выходит ученик в костюме рака)

Рак: Common to all tribes of America, there were rituals in the name of the forces of nature. Most often, these were appeals to the sun, the moon, and rain. 

The song is a conversation- Native Americans “talked” with trees and animals. 

Often lovers or just young people were compared in songs with animals, for example, girls with tapirs, and men with wild boars. 

Listen to the song.


(выходит ученик в костюме змеи)

Змея: Hollywood stars with Native American roots.  Who are they? 

(Анджелина Джоли, Джонни Депп, Элвис Пресли, Камерон Диаз, Томми Ли Джонс,Меган Фокс, Ченнинг Татум)

(выходит ученик в костюме медведя)

Медведь: What do you know about  Native Americans?

1.The native people of America were called in 1492 «Indians» by…

2.Mohicans, Delawares, Apaches, Navajos, Cherokees lived in…

3.Indians grew …

 4.Indians hunted …

5.Horses were brought to the American continent by …

6.Mustangs are …

7.What did the Indians collect for food?

8.What did the Indians make moccasins out of?

9.The best warriors had headdresses made from …

10.Did the Indians hunt whales ?

11.The skin of the Indians had …

12.What musical instruments did they have?

13.What is tomahawk (томагавк)?

14.Who is the author of the famous book about Chingachgook?

15.The first Indian alphabet was created by the Indian whose name was…

16.When did the Indians smoke the «peace pipe»?

  1. Who was Pocahontos?

18.Which US city has the largest Indian population?

19.Many scientists believe that the ancestors (предки) of the Indians were from 20.How many Indian tribes are in America today?

Медведь отдает мешочек с зернами Гайавата.

Рассказчик-Индеец: There were seeds in it. He brought home them and saved  tribes from starvation. Soon Hiawatha became the leader of all Indian tribes. 

Все вместе: Thank you for your attention. 

Внеурочное театрализованное занятие по английскому языку «ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA»